Sunday 29 January 2012

January 29 - Ski Lesson #3

I had a great time with Aidan at his ski lesson today.  Our warm-up was to run part of the way up the hill running between some gates.  He always complains about walking in his boots, yet he took off in a flash and was one of the first ones to the top.  Not only that, he beat me to the bottom on the way down.  It was also the first day for riding the magic carpet and he did great.  The attendant kept telling him that he remembers him and that he doesn't need any help and would just let him go on his own.  The skiing itself went well.  The first run we were in under the snow guns and we got soaked.  At the bottom, the instructor said for everyone to go inside and dry off.  We started to walk to the chalet and Aidan was getting upset and said he didn't want to go in.  So, I went against the grain and kept him out.  One of the instructors stayed out as well, so we had a private lesson for 2 runs before the rest of the class came back out again.  He skied well, but is still not very interesting in trying to stop, so we need to work on that.  He seems to be enjoying it though and that's the main thing!

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