Wednesday 18 January 2012

January 17 - Swimming Lessons

Aidan is doing great in his swimming lessons now.  He breezed through Sea Turtles in the Fall and is now trying to make his way through Sea Otters.  That's all well and good, I just wish the registration process wasn't so frustrating.  Registration is going on now for the Winter II session, but I don't find out until Friday what level to register him in, at which time the "prime" after work spots will likely be filled up.  Fortunately, they're pretty good about it and I now have him registered twice and just have to cancel the one he doesn't end up taking.  But seriously, wouldn't it just be a lot easier to delay the registration until AFTER the week everyone is told what level to register in?  There are still 2 weeks until the next session starts, just sayin'...

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