Friday 13 January 2012

January 13 - Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday!  I woke up this morning to my "surprise" card from Aidan.  Dr. Seuss, very appropriate.  He informed me that I can read it whenever I want, since it's mine.  :-)  Al was good to me this year as well and got me my much needed replacement croc slippers, an oversized station clock for the great room and a dozen red roses.  I've also been informed tonight that there is a cake, but we had swimming for Aidan tonight, so we didn't get a chance to have it.  Between Aidan's leftover school cake and his cake for his party tomorrow, we may be a bit caked out by the end of the weekend.

I spent a good part of my day prepping for Aidan's party tomorrow.  It's entirely possible that I've gone overboard, but I don't care, it's fun and he deserves it.  I'm hopeful for a fun and successful party tomorrow!

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