Friday 23 March 2012

March 22 - Stubborn Much?

I think that all kids are stubborn by nature, it's all part of how they learn.  But when you couple that with a predisposition to stubborness, thanks to parents, it's something to see!

I have been trying to warn Aidan that that freakishly warm weather we've been having the past few days is not normal at all, nowhere near normal really, and that by the weekend it will be cold again.  Today was the start of the downard temps.  It was still nice, like mid teens, but not exactly shorts and eat outside weather.  Aidan disagreed and insisted it was nice enough to wear his shorts and eat supper on the deck.  So, I set up the table outside, we sit down to our meal and 2 bites into it, I hear "I'm cold".  So, back we go into the house and re-set up on the kitchen table.  It is soooo hard not to say "I told you so" in those moments, but lesson taught none the less. 

Thursday 22 March 2012

March 21 - Popcorn for Supper

I had a late lunch today and wasn't hungry for supper.  I fed Aidan some leftovers and after he went to bed, I made myself a big bowl of popcorn.  Yep, sometimes I'm lazy like that.

March 20 - Hello Summer

This year will undoubtedly go down as one of the weirdest weather wise and we're still only in March!

We ate on the deck and played outside tonight like it was the middle of July.  Craziness, which I know won't last and will make for lots of cranky people when normal weather comes back, but I'm still enjoying it while it's here.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

March 19 - Traffic Cop in the Making

This mornings conversation on the drive into school went something like this...

Aidan:  "I think you're going faster than the sign say you can go".
Aidan:  "Well, are you"?
Me:  "No"
Aidan:  "Are you sure"?

Truth be told, I was going about 100 in an 80 zone.  I suppose I should count myself lucky that he didn't slap me with a $150 fine and a couple demerits.

Sunday 18 March 2012

March 18 - Passport Time

For the first time in my life, I'm applying for my Canadian Passort.  Because I only ever travelled to the US, I never needed one.  But, post 9/11 now requires that I do have one for that trip, so it's time.  We are planning our summer vacation to Lake George, so not a lot of choice.  That means all 3 of us need them.  So today we got our passport pictures.  I thought it may be tough for Aidan to sit with a straight face and stay still, but he did great!

So the pics are done, now to get the applications all filled out and signed and submitted.

March 17 - New Marina

We found a new home for our boat this summer.  Since Ontario Place is essentially closing down this year, we decided it was time to make a move.  Truth is, we haven't been thrilled with the OP Marina for a couple of years now, but have stayed because of the perks of being inside the park.  With the park closed, there is really nothing worthwhile for us there. 

We found a nice marina on Holland River that is a little over an hour drive away, but it's a country drive and not one into the city, so that's a big plus.  We'll have a covered slip and able to park right at our boat with enough shore space for a picnic table and BBQ.  There's a swimming pool and playground for Aidan there too.  I'm very excited!

March 16 - What to Wear?

The unseaonsably warm weather we're  having is driving me nuts.  It's still close to freezing at night, but getting upper teens during the day.  I feel like I need a suitcase to lug the 3 seasons worth of outdoor clothes for Aidan to school. 

Friday 16 March 2012

March 15 - Dashers

Aidan has decided that he no longer wants to call his shoes running shoes, they have now been dubbed "dashers".  Why?  He says it's because they are so fast!

March 14 - 100 Book Challenge

Today, Aidan started his 100 book challenge.  It was inspired by one that they did at his school and he was enjoying it so much, he wanted to do one at home.  The general idea is you read 100 books together and at the end, you get a "prize".  Aidan loves to read, so I don't expect it will take that long to get through 100 books.  I decided to make it slightly more challenging by saying it has to be 100 different books and not his usual routine of reading the same book over and over again for many days. 

So, I did up a chart and we started the challenge tonight.  We are undecided on the prize.  He said he wants a popsicle party, since that's what they are doing at school.  I may just go with that and maybe let him buy a few new books too.

We'll see how long it takes to finish.  I'm predicting 2 - 3 weeks.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

March 13 - Aidan Funny Quote of the Day

"When I'm bigger, I want to dye my hair the same colour as Daddy's.  Half black and half grey".

Monday 12 March 2012

March 12 - Flies!

The warm weather is here and so are the flies!  Cluster flies, millions and millions of them.  OK, maybe a few hundred, but tons!  They drive us crazy and last year they lasted pretty much through the Spring.  I bought a couple of fly traps today, so we'll see if they help at all.

After school, Aidan decided he wanted to help sweep up some of the dead ones off the floor. He went around with the dustpan and handbrush and had a great time helping out.  He told me that he wants to get them all cleaned up so that I don't have to do it and I can have a rest.  He can be very sweet!  Unfortunately, I think the novelty will probably wear off before the flies are all gone, but I'll enjoy the help while it lasts.

March 11 - Final Ski Lesson of the Season

Last week was Aidan and my last parent & tot class, so I signed him up for a private lesson today to give him a chance to practice what he's learned 1-on-1 with an instructor.

He did very well.  He got tired about halfway through and the instructor said he was looking for me a bit, but other than that, he did well.  He's turning well now and was linking 3 or 4 turns together on the bottom half of the hill with no assistance.

I'm very pleased with how he did with his first year of lessons and I'm really looking forward to how he does next year.

Saturday 10 March 2012

March 10 - Clocks Ahead Tonight

The time change doesn't hit until 2am, but I'm already feeling bitter about the hour of sleep I'm about to lose.

March 9 - Freak Snow Storm

The crazy winter weather continues and we went from spring like temperatures earlier in the week to some crazy snow squalls today.  When I left in the morning to drop Aidan at school, the sun was trying to come out and there was not a hint of snow on the ground.  About a half hour later I got back home and this is what it was looking like...

March 8 - Play Structure Disaster

I can't believe it, but the wind has been so bad here lately that it actually blew Aidan's play structure over.  That big beautiful and extremely heavy thing got completely blown over.  Luckily, the damage done looks minimal and contained mostly to the roof section.  Alan is going to have a hell of a time figuring out how to put it upright again.  And poor Aidan, he's so upset that it happened, but seems to be okay with knowing that it can be fixed.

March 7 - Alarm Clock Fail

Well, that was short lived.  This morning, the alarm clock didn't help at all.  In fact, it was one of those epic fail of a morning where all you want is to go back to bed and try starting all over again. 

March 6 - Alarm Clock Success

Well, it worked!  Aidan got right out of bed and turned the alarm clock off and started his day.  He still called me before he would get up, but at least I didn't have to give him the 5 or 10 minutes to get moving.

Monday 5 March 2012

March 5 - Alarm Clock

Aidan has decided that he would rather have an alarm clock wake him up then me.  He thinks I'm too annoying.  Wait until that sucker of a clock beeps in his ear in the morning.  Then we'll see what's more annoying.

March 4 - Ski Lesson #8

Aidan and I had our last parent & tot ski lesson for the year. It was an awesome outing!  He had more excitement and energy than any of the other weeks and he just wanted to go go go.  He was doing a little obstacle course, with the help of my on the other end of the hula hoop.  It was 4 turns around the mushroom markers and then 4 bended poles to ski under.  He nailed it time after time.  We also took him to the top of the "mountain" instead of halfway up and he thought that was awesome.  I couldn't get him to quit today, we kept skiing for another half hour or so after the lesson was finished.

I went ahead and signed him up for a private lesson next weekend so he can solidy what he has learned with some 1-on-1 teaching time.

I'm beyond thrilled that he's doing so well!

March 3 - The Lorax

We went to see The Lorax in the theatre today.  It was crazy busy, but totally worth it.  I really enjoyed it and Aidan loved it!  He's on such a Dr. Seuss kick right now, so the timing was perfect.

March 2 - Salmon

Aidan borrowed a book on salmon from the library 2 days ago.  I'm pretty sure I've read it 274 times already.  If you have any questions on the life cycle of a salmon, I'm your gal.

Thursday 1 March 2012

March 1 - Happy Birthday, Dad!

My dad turned 80 years old today.  He's so young at heart, it's hard to believe he's already at that milestone.
Happy Birthday, Daddy!!

February 29 - Leap Day!

Aidan has a classmate who was born on Feb 29th.  He told me "technically she's 4, but she had her 1st birthday today". 

And while I'm on about cute/fun things he says, instead of saying he can't see a thing, he says "I can't see such a thing".  He said it driving home in the fog.  "I can't see such a thing outside because of the fog'.