Monday 5 March 2012

March 4 - Ski Lesson #8

Aidan and I had our last parent & tot ski lesson for the year. It was an awesome outing!  He had more excitement and energy than any of the other weeks and he just wanted to go go go.  He was doing a little obstacle course, with the help of my on the other end of the hula hoop.  It was 4 turns around the mushroom markers and then 4 bended poles to ski under.  He nailed it time after time.  We also took him to the top of the "mountain" instead of halfway up and he thought that was awesome.  I couldn't get him to quit today, we kept skiing for another half hour or so after the lesson was finished.

I went ahead and signed him up for a private lesson next weekend so he can solidy what he has learned with some 1-on-1 teaching time.

I'm beyond thrilled that he's doing so well!

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