Friday 23 March 2012

March 22 - Stubborn Much?

I think that all kids are stubborn by nature, it's all part of how they learn.  But when you couple that with a predisposition to stubborness, thanks to parents, it's something to see!

I have been trying to warn Aidan that that freakishly warm weather we've been having the past few days is not normal at all, nowhere near normal really, and that by the weekend it will be cold again.  Today was the start of the downard temps.  It was still nice, like mid teens, but not exactly shorts and eat outside weather.  Aidan disagreed and insisted it was nice enough to wear his shorts and eat supper on the deck.  So, I set up the table outside, we sit down to our meal and 2 bites into it, I hear "I'm cold".  So, back we go into the house and re-set up on the kitchen table.  It is soooo hard not to say "I told you so" in those moments, but lesson taught none the less. 

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