Monday 13 February 2012

February 12 - Skiing Lesson #5

At today's ski lesson, we "graduated" from the hula hoop to a pole (actually one of those bamboo racing gate sticks).  So, we ski side by side and I help guide his turns with the pole.  Suuuuure, I do.  Not as easy as it sounds, believe me.  He went down one time with our instructor and they got a great right turn going, so great that Aidan slid (or let go) off the pole and was all on his own, picking up some good speed.  He instinctively assumed a great stance for balance and just kept on going towards the side of the hill unable to stop.  The instructor raced after him and scooped him up and turned him the other direction and Aidan took off on him again.  It was right near the bottom, so it was all good.

So, we're 5 lessons in and he can kinda turn right, can't turn left and can't stop.  Technique a bit lacking, to say the least, but fear is nowhere to be found!

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